Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's my party and I will cry if I want to.

Ya, this is about how I feel with my progress with my weight loss. Yes, I know I started WW to not gain any more weight while on Prednisone. Just call me selfish, but I would like to lose some to. I know, what an idea. To actually lose weight while dieting. Oops a healthy lifestyle. My bad.

In case you haven't guessed, I didn't lose a damn thing at my WW meeting last night. I am following it to a "T" to. There are girls that started the same night I did and are half my size that are up to ten pounds. Me? Can I get to freaking five pounds in three weeks? In my best Steve Martin voice, "Nooooooooooooooooo".

Onward and forward. I will get to that stupid five pound loss. I will do it!


Leah Yourstone said...

Hey, don't be so hard on your self! I saw my Dad gain nearly 100 lbs on prednisone, so don't stay on it longer than you need to be. And not gaining on that drug IS a success.


. said...

You know, that is what all the Prednisone users say, that it is a miracle that I haven't gained in the last four weeks. I have thirteen more days on it. Wahoo. Thanks for the support.

Heather said...

Prednisone is the devil. I was on it for a very short time and still gained in that time too. YUCK!

Andrea Amu said...

Keep up the work... it'll come off! I lost 30 lbs. last summer by cutting out soda and working out on my XL Glider for 30 minutes a day. I need to get back on track too though! Good luck!

And thanks for the comments about my age and birthday! I know that I should appreciate what I've done and who I am, but nontheless some days are just too damn hard to do that! Lol!

Tanya said...

Sometimes it just takes your body awhile to kick start the loss. Keep up the great work and you'll see results!

Dalayney's Doodles said...


~Lisa~ said...

I'm dieting too and on a medicine that I like to blame for some weight gain (although, honestly, mine probably hasn't contributed at all!)

It sucks! I have been working out like crazy for 2 weeks and I'm seeing nothin'! Nada! But I'm not gonna give up. You shouldn't either! Hang in there & thanks for the comments on my blog. I'll be in touch. :)