Thursday, February 21, 2008

Are you freaking kidding me?

Yes, I realize that steriods make you gain weight and I should be happy for a loss, but after two weeks on Weight Watchers I STILL have not lossed five pounds. This is so not typical for me in the first two weeks of a healthy eating plan. I am trying so hard not to get discouraged. I know I should be thanking my lucky stars that I am not gaining anymore. Still! Can I just have some damn wine with my cheese. Nope! Too many damn points.


Bev said...

That would be really discouraging but hang in there - I'll bet you have a BIG loss for week 3.

. said...

Lord I hope so. It makes you keep on going. I am hearing from other Prednisone users that are on my dosage that I am lucky that I am even losing. At least I am being slowly weaned off of the stuff. In a couple of months it should get easier.