Friday, March 14, 2008

Think Spring

Spring cannot come fast enough for me. I can feel it coming. The days are getting longer and my hyacinths are budding. I decided to create a spring bracelet with lilac and turquiose colors. The yellow background is just thrown in for good measure. To me it screams Easter now, but on the wrist it is very pretty. I might have to keep this one for myself.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Can I get a woot woot?


Woot! Woot! I did it! Freaking finally! I lost almost two pounds and this means I am at my five pound marker. Only F O U R weeks to do it lol. So this means I get my prize.
The last time I lost a ton of weight what worked for me was setting out a prize for every five pound loss. My first prize is some self tanner lotion for my face. It has been killing me not to buy this stuff. I always crave a little color around this time of year. Don't worry, I will do the rest of my body to. Don't want to come out looking all redneck. Not an attractive look on women. Hell, it isn't a very attractive look on men.